Seven or eight years on, I’m some way from events that change everything. It was first hot pursuit, then texts keep changing. Structure eventually lends some direction, but it's hard come by. There are what I call disconnects and video sometimes suggests what I think Jacques Lacan implies by signifiers. I remember looking down with a camera, from high up in a Southampton hotel and it's the start of many beginnings. These moments took centre stage and camera and laptop were carefully put into a hotel locker day by day. There are many beginnings and perhaps it began with a text called unworn clothes. It was an unbearable time and a text called talking follows a first disconnect. I describe two eventually and saying what happened and why I call them disconnects is always work in progress.
There's a storyline and passages that imply carrying on... and carrying on follows events that led to an impasse. There are two disconnects eventually, which structure what follows. Impasse or what's seemingly impasse-able prompts possibilities and stories at the beginning and end suggest fantasy or lalangue. Lalangue is Lacan's word. It's language before language... possibly sounding like interactions between parents and children.
(taken from introductory notes, talking)

Christopher Sands, still, 2022
*With talking, there’s the pursuit of a storyline and a mix that includes new passages and sets of passages. Stills accompany a text and are sometimes video stills. The mix matters or anticipates the video title noise. Noise is apparent updating websites. Most of it has to go!
1 August 2022