Christopher Sands, still, 2014
email, chrissands48@gmail.com
This work is structured in many different ways. I refer to passages, notes, stories, video, Lacan’s lalangue and the notion of a disconnect and an invitation that comes with psychoanalysis. Linking Freud and Lacan to what Walter Benjamin calls the work of art sets the tone... it’s not one impossible discourse but two.
The work comes about at the end of cancer treatment, romance, loss and absence.
(taken from page 2, talking)
*I start again with the first three pages (homepage, from talking and introductory notes)... and it’s how a first version of a text called talking (52k words) starts. (see 1.1 below)
After you, still under construction, is a new page, half way between talking and work on a new text called curatorial dreams.
(18 August 2022)

Christopher Sands, Ruth, 18 June 2010

Christopher Sands, still, 1 August 2019
What should I say here? A book size text isn’t enough in digital times and video is what’s left of missing signifiers. I paste something from a text that took seven years to write and it’s already archival… and some of this sounds a little Lacanian.
a calligraphy... having to talk, like Hoichi the earless... addressing an addressee,
who’s more than an addressee.
(see bio 1)