In a run up to references to Lacanian lalangue, I first use the word fantasy and want to listen to what this text sounds like or want to read a long text quickly... or sing it somehow.
Finishing a first version has something to do with video and new work called noise. I refer to a text tricking into video and the return of a preoccupation with the gaze. Video is voice and gaze and noise is more than a digital problem. The work of art is costly and what remains looks expensive. It's the other side of work in general. It's more noise and difficulty and difficulty can be a starting point.
It's not taking something in or something left over from de-schooling notions fifty years ago... it's where video starts and crumbling texts remain.
(taken from first part of talking)

Christopher Sands, still, 26 November, 2009

Christopher Sands, still, 3 July, 2020